MDA telethon set up at my little local tv station I work for. This year's telethon is just a couple of weeks away!!! Ooooohhhh.... how exciting. I love the multitude of cords in this one! We do it in a car dealership and they have this GIANT window that we have to cover with a giant white tarp with a whole pull and levey system thing. :0

The MDA Telethon still exists? Remember when it used to be a big deal? Maybe that was just me.
I used to stay awake and force myself to watch the whole thing. For some reason that made me feel as if I was doing my part -- I was making the world better by suffering Jerry Lewis for 24 hours.
In the wee hours, they would put these awful Vegas entertainers on the air, and I always think of those entertainers when I watch "American Idol."
Yup... they still put it on. I work with the Duluth one. We put it on the air on channels 10/13. It helps raise money for the local chapter to send kids to camp and wheelchairs and stuff. It's been going on FOREVER. I used to hate it because it interrupted my soap operas when I was in like 8th grade. I don't watch that shit anymore. I like being a part of putting on the telethon. I get a lot of hours! And it's something different than just doing the nightly news. Zzzzzzzzzz....
Cool...do you get to be on t.v.??
I do, if I accidentally get in the shot... but I'm usually running the audio for it or behind a camera where I belong!
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