This is an uninteresting picture, but I like it. This is my favorite childhood rock. It sits on the corner of my old yard. When I was a wee lassie I used to pretend it was a big Arabian Horse and I'd ride it into the wind. Then I'd fall off and get covered in sticker pricker things that were a pain to get out of anything. ::Sighs:: I miss my big rock.

That's sweet. The way you described it made it an interesting picture.
Funny, the things we remember from our childhood, and make us feel nostalgic. Here's to your rock, cheers!
I am going to add you to my blog roll, if you don't mind.
So there is my rock, I threw it out of my craddle, the day I was born, since it was just in the way, and I haven't been able to locate it ... until today!!!
Does that mean we are rock sisters, Astrid?
DB-That is totally awesome if you add me to your blog roll. Don't mind at all.
Now that it's not your rock you should sneak up at night and spraypaint "Class of '75 Rules!" on it.
the funny thing is is that the rock is only one inch high and could probably fit into your shoe now that you're a grownup. :)
True, it is no longer a colossal stallion!
"Does that mean we are rock sisters, Astrid?" --> No, that means we both rock, Mandi! Yeah, we kick ass, we are the man! I mean lady!
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